daddy issues

Gumroad Ebook & Did You Email Me?


Recently I received an email regarding getting your ebook purchase from Gumroad onto your Kindle (or other device).

If you have a Kindle, choose the epub version when you buy the book from Gumroad. There should be a button that says – send to Kindle.

I have to admit, I’m not up on all the other devices out there. BUT Currently there is epub, mobi, and pdf on Gumroad. If you have a problem with your purchase, please let me know and I’ll do my best to help you out! My email is on the Gumroad receipt you will receive when you purchase the book. Don’t foget, some of my books are ‘pay what you want’ including $0 although I do appreciate it when people purchase as it helps me keep writing!

Also, if you have contacted me but have not heard back – please check your spam bucket as I do respond! If you don’t see anything in your spam bucket, please email me again.

I hope you are doing great and I will be publishing more books on Gumroad soon!



2 Replies to “Gumroad Ebook & Did You Email Me?”

  1. Richard,
    Your books always make me very horny and I usually can’t finish them until after I nut, especially when the sex scenes pique my interest in the situation Rick gets himself in. Like you, I had a few flings with hot, married, straight men on the downlow back in my twenties. I wouldn’t say lazy at all, just going for the forbidden fruit lol 😂
    – Harry

    1. Hi Harry, glad you are enjoying the books especially since I am to please in all things! Hot married straight men can be a lot of fun, for sure. I use a lot of my own experiences in my writing, although of course, these stories are only slightly autobiographical!

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